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One million more pulled into tax on savings

Over 2.7m will pay tax on cash interest in 2023/24.

Does this affect you?

Pay growth ends 18 month wage squeeze

Higher pay may alarm inflation-busting policymakers.

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CIOT: remove CIS deductions on landlord payments

15 Aug

Construction tax rules ‘cause problems’ between tenants and landlords.

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Economy grows by 0.2% in second quarter

14 Aug

Information and accommodation industries fuel growth.

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UK rental market shrinks by 400,000 homes

11 Aug

Estimated 126,500 rental properties sold since 2022.

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Importers alter supply chains due to geopolitics

10 Aug

Importers particularly concerned about relations with China.

What you need to know

Retail trading conditions remain weak

3 Aug

July sees sharp decline in retail sales volumes.

What's happening?

Dates and Deadlines

Monthly postal PAYE/class 1 NICs/student loan payment
If you pay by cheque through the post, pay PAYE, class 1 NICs, student loan deductions and deductions from payments to subcontractors for the month up to the 5th of this month.
CIS return
Construction Industry Scheme: monthly return due for period up to 5th of previous month.
Monthly electronic PAYE/class 1 NICs/student loan payment
If paying electronically, pay PAYE, class 1 NICs, student loan deductions and deductions from payments to subcontractors for the month up to the 5th of this month.
Corporation tax return
Filing deadline for corporation tax return self-assessment form CT600 for period ended 31 August 2022 to be submitted to HMRC.
Company accounts filing deadline
Deadline for filing your annual accounts is 9 months after your company's financial year ends.
Corporation tax payment
Corporation tax payment due for year end 30 November 2022, for those companies not liable to pay their liability by instalments.
Advisory fuel rates
New fuel rates come into force.
VAT return
Due date for July VAT returns unless exempted.
Monthly postal PAYE/class 1 NICs/student loan payment
If you pay by cheque through the post, pay PAYE, class 1 NICs, student loan deductions and deductions from payments to subcontractors for the month up to the 5th of this month.
CIS return
Construction Industry Scheme: monthly return due for period up to 5th of previous month.

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Clarendon Dock
Northern Ireland