Small businesses that occupy a rental property can now apply for the £10,000 Small Business Support Grant Scheme. The purpose is to benefit the business and not the landlord or managing agent who is responsible for paying the rates.
To date 18,508 payments have been issued to companies under this scheme. The first payments have now been made under the £25,000 grant scheme for businesses in the retail, hospitality, tourism and leisure sectors. It is expected that an application process for businesses in these sectors that occupy rental properties will be opened.
The £10,000 and £25,000 grant schemes close on 20 May 2020 so if you think your business is eligible you must apply in advance of the deadline. The online application form for small businesses that rent premises is available here.
To discuss your situation please contact Cathy Nicholas, Business Services Senior Manager by email or Tel: 028 9032 3466